Anning Medical Centre

怡保报恩寺安宁之家老人院施医赠药中心成立于2002年每逢星期三都为大众提供义诊服务。这所医药中心拥有多位资深的中医师为大众提供义诊服务,物理治疗和施医赠药。 由于到来求医的病人日益激增,医药费用不胜负荷,本寺呼吁善信大德们能够成为报恩寺医药中心的赞助人,量力赞助,广种福田,功德无量。

Every Wednesday morning from 9.00 am – 3.00 pm in the afternoon, Anning Medical Centre, set up in the year 2002, provide free physio, acupuncture and medication for the public at large, under the supervision and care of many experienced Chinese Sin Seh. As a result of these free medical practices to heal those poor and sick people, the number of patients who seek our assistance keep on increasing. At the same time, the medical expenses also increase accordingly. Hence, we sincerely look forward to you to sponsor our MEDICAL FUND.Your donation and contribution would be greatly appreciated and well-remembered by those who come to seek free medical treatments at our centre.