
BES New Era Recycle Centre

新安寧環保中心的成立主要目的是為了籌募老人院和兒童院一部分日常開支及其他生活費用。 希望各界人士能慷慨捐出舊衣物,舊電器、舊報紙、汽水罐等可循環復新的日常用品,以支助維持安寧老人院和兒童院的部分經費。 在此與各界人士致萬二分的歉意,由於歷年來有很多不好的傳聞與腐敗,2023年新管理層已經把名字更改至新安寧環保中心,重新塑造全新的環保中心。。

新安寧環保中心 (怡保)- 016-9201622 (Whastapp),019-5731622  
新安寧環保中心 (太平)- 016-5208256

BES New Era Recycle Centre (formerly know as Anning Recycle Centre) was established in 2009 with the primary goal of contributing to the daily expenses of the Anning Old Folks Home and Children’s Home. We sincerely appreciate your generous support in the form of used electrical appliances, clothing, old newspapers, aluminum cans, and other recyclable items. Your contributions help us maintain these welfare homes and make a positive impact on the lives of the elderly and children in need.

BES New Era Recycle Centre (IPOH) – 016-9201622 (Whastapp),019-5731622                                                                                               

BES New Era Recycle Centre (Taiping) – 016-5208256