安宁之家(老人院 )

Anning Old Folks’ Home

报恩寺安宁之家为一所非营利老人院,由释空禅法师及一群热心人士于2002年创办,以收留无所依靠的老人。这所老人院秉承“老有所养、病有所治、临终关怀、终有所归”的慈悲精神,来资助扶持无依无靠的老人家的衣食住行,并为他们安排休闲和宗教活动,让他们安度晚年。 这是有赖于乐善好施的大德善信,包括政府福利机构的捐献,以及义工们热心服务、无私奉献的精神才能达到的。

Anning Old Folks’ Home is a non-profit charity organization. It was established by Master Shi Kong Chan together with a group of warmth and kind-hearted followers in the year 2002. The objective is to take care of those who are weak and without families support, to provide them shelter, food, transport, medical benefit and lodging, including daily recreation activities ; encourage them to practice Buddhism so that they will be able to live in peace and happiness during their twilight years; to arrange funeral rites, including burials, and conduct ritual praying ceremony to lead them to the pure land after death.

The successful achievement of its objective depends very much on those kind-hearted donors including government welfare agencies and volunteers who readily help to run the Anning Old Folks’ Home.